UXblog readers in Chicago might be interested in Marc Rettig’s, seven-week course on user-centered web design, to start October 11. Over seven weeks (one evening a week), the class will weave elements of craft (user research, interaction design, prototyping and testing, etc.) with techniques for facilitating interdisciplinary teams through a user-centered process. It uses case studies, examples, classroom activities, and a seasoning of theory to provide useful tools and principles for working professionals. A detailed, week-by-week course description and registration instructions can be found at www.enteract.com/~marc. SPACE IS LIMITED — as of this writing, there are six seats left in the 20-person class.

Thursday evenings, October 11 – November 29 (seven sessions), 6:30 – 9:00 pm (skipping Thanksgiving week)

NOVO / Giant Step has graciously offered use of their space at 427 South LaSalle St. (just North of Congress), Chicago.

$1195. Groups of three or more: $995 per person. Includes classes, readings (book chapters, journal articles, etc.), tools and sample documents, access to the class web site and online discussion, written feedback and coaching on homework assignments (which have an opt-out clause, for you overworked people).

Visit www.enteract.com/~marc, and follow the instructions for online registration.

Contact Marc Rettig